Mr.Chang 張貿鴻
Tea Ceremony Professor
Ex-president of Taipei Tea Union.Successor of local tea family.Mr.Chang is grown in local tea family which as tea cultivators from several generations. When time goes by following with life experience, he recognized tea is an essential part of life and culture. In addition to teaching the traditional form of tea ceremony, he likes to be seen this tea ceremony as pursuing humanities.The core of tea ceremony will be more flexible, more creative when it comes to different environment, different culture and different people.He makes it possible for participants brewing wonderful tea easier and be reachable for Taiwanese tea art.
前中華茶聯台北分會會長。茶葉世家傳人。 張氏的先祖將安溪鐵觀音的製茶技術在清朝時期帶到了台灣,張貿鴻生長在鐵觀音的世家,自是對茶葉瞭若指掌。茶並不只是飲料的一種,隨著年歲的增長、生活的體驗,深深覺得茶已經是生活、文化的一部分。不刻意講究任何茶道的制式形式,更多的是對人文的追求;張老師所帶領的課程讓「茶藝」,不再只是艱深難懂的規範儀式,更多的是與時俱進、與人俱進、與生活結合的創新與彈性。在各個場合,各時序下,每個人、每種茶都能泡製它最適風味。