Project no.6 Private Heritage Mansion Tour& Venue Rental 私宅古蹟巡禮及空間合作租借
About “Chang”Private Heritage Mansion
The Private Heritage Mansion located just in the middle of Maokong, is owned by Chang family. The two-floored Japanese style architecture was built in Japanese Colonial Era and is decorated with Shoji and Tatami. It also showcases many significant antiques including ancient farming equipment, antique furniture from Qing Dynasty, early instruments and tea sets. Reservation is required for this private tour.

Tea-infused cuisine
When you finish your course and experience, we offer some recommendations for restaurants around the mansion.For example,within 5-minute walking distance,you can have the most famous creative meal called “ Big Tea Pot”. This prestigious restaurant was interviewed by Discovery and is known for its delicious dishes made with different tea or tea leaves. Also, you can have locally-sourced vegetables which are freshly picked up in the morning.
當您結束了茶藝課程,可能已經感到飢腸轆轆了。我們提供附近的餐廳可選擇,其中包含了貓空最知名的「大茶壺餐 廳」。這間曾經被Discovery報導的餐廳,最有特色的就是它們獨創的茶料理。不同的茶葉配上不同的食材,變化出不 同的口感香味,只此一地絕無井有!當然也有提供當地每日新鮮的山林野味。

Private Transportation Service and Day Tour
We offerprivate transportation service or Day Tour by request.By working with legal car service, you will have no concern about safety and can enjoy your time in the mountainfrom day to night.